Walk on the Water!

Matthew 14 tells the story of Jesus walking on the water. I thought I’d give it a try while we were on vacation, and I did pretty good as I walked about 100 yards offshore – that is – until I stepped off the sandbar (thankfully Mary Alice did not get that pic).

Too often we spend so much time wondering “how” Jesus performed these miracles but not enough time on “why.” Matthew also talks about a horrific storm that terrifies the disciples and Peter’s attempt to walk on water. Although he was scared, Peter knew that moving towards Jesus is the answer to fear, but of course, when he took his eyes off Christ his fears overtook him and he was overcome by the wind and the waves.

We all know about storms. Whether you have come out of one, or moving into one, or maybe one you are in one right now. Yes, we all know about storms.  If you know that, like Peter, when we step out in faith Jesus will either calm the storm or he will calm us? 

Ok, so when it comes to walking on water, it helps to know where the rocks (and sandbars) are. More importantly, it helps more to know who is  the “Rock”  of our salvation. I’m not Jesus, but the good news is that we can all be a little “like” Jesus. And when the “storms of life are raging” we can step out in faith and Jesus will “stand by” and deliver us.

So, what are you afraid of? Get out of the boat 3 Oaks!

Pastor Rob

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