The Resurrection Means Death is Defeated Pt. 2

The resurrection means, “It ain’t over!” Surprises are still in store.

Yogi Berra famously quipped, It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.” Another colloquialism goes, “It ain’t until the fat lady sings,” referring to traditionally heavyset opera sopranos, and meaning we should not presume the outcome of an event that is still in progress (a.k.a. life).

If the resurrection has taught us anything it is the reality that we are still in process and God does not give up on any of us. You know like a mother’s love (you know I had to squeeze that in as Mother’s Day is coming).

As we continue to study what the resurrection means for us today we will look at the power of hope in our daily lives. An old hymn states, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” I invite you to read the following two passages about the good shepherd in whom our trust, confidence and hope is placed: John 10:22-30 and Psalm 23 .

To those who believe it’s too late or nothing can be done, or just feel downright hopeless, well look out, because you just may be surprised by hope!

Come and see,

Pastor Rob


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