Sunday’s a Comin’

Sunday’s a Comin’ Let us lay aside every weight and run the race with endurance Hebrews 12:1
The Weight of GUILT
Garrison Keillor once wrote, “I’m not sure I’m in favor of repentance. Sinners are the ones who get the work done. A strong sense of personal guilt is what makes people willing to serve on committees.” I agree that a little guilt does go a long way in motivating people. But there are two sides to guilt, one good and one bad. On the one hand, guilt mirrors the mistakes that we make. When you feel guilty and it hurts, guilt is often precisely the right way to feel. On the other hand, many times when you feel guilty that is precisely the wrong way to feel as it becomes an obstacle to grace. I firmly believe that a trace of grace works much better than a pile of guilt.Guilt can be an obstacle that keeps us from truly experiencing the joy of redemption. John Steinbeck wrote: “We gather our arms full of guilt as though it were precious stuff. It must be that we want it that way.” We keep revisiting those memories of when we blew it; we cling to our catastrophes and don’t live in our triumphs.This Sunday we will invite you to drop the weight of guilt. The text will be John 8:3-11. Here we will find a woman as “guilty as sin”. Sound familiar?

Come and see, Pastor Rob

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1
Scriptures to prepare for tomorrow’s worship
Drop the Weight of Guilt – John 8: 3-11


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