Sunday’s a Comin’

Whew, It’s over! All the preparations, shopping, rushing, wrapping, baking, and visiting have climaxed leaving a trail of wrinkled wrapping paper, empty boxes and leftover pies. Mary Alice and I are still recovering from the excitement and enjoying the peace of a quiet house. Whether you celebrated this Christmas with family gatherings, or alone, I pray your Christmas was a blessing and you all experienced the reality encompassed in His name, “Emmanuel,” God with us. And even if this Christmas didn’t meet all your expectations or was marked by sadder remembrances, I have some more news……It ain’t over!

So, for our last “Sunday’s a Comin’” for 2024, I offer this quote from Howard Thurman expressing what I mean, When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock, The work of Christmas begins: …To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry, To release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations, To bring peace among brothers, To make music in the heart.
Tomorrow I invite you to come, take a breath, relax and we will sing some of you favorite carols and we will spend a little time looking back over the year with gratitude and peeking into 2025 with a childlike anticipation of what’s ahead.

Merry Christmas…..Happy New Year!!!!Love,Pastor Rob
PS Speaking of gratitude…Mary Alice and I thank you for the love offering given us last Sunday. We feel truly blessed to serve our Lord with you!
Worship will be a more informal, Spirit led” celebration tomorrow (no bulletin). Just “come and see!” Our scripture will be from Luke 2: 22-40 – Jesus presented in the temple.
And only one announcement for Today: Our savior is born!
Prayer Requests*
Robin Claris’s family, Jaxon (Jax) Wilson, Janice Patsell, Gloria Jennings, Larry Musselwhite, David Alley, Lee Ann Duncan, Dea Adams ( Kim’s sister), Debbie Moles, Chris Sutherland, RC Wagner, the families of Jim and Carol Bown, David Marcum, Melvin Persinger, Eugene Mason, Lisa Mason, Wesley Barnes, Linda Weddle, Ben Smythe, Joyce Fields, children of Gaza, Israel and Ukraine, our new children’s coordinator.

(Please let pasto Rob know if you have someone to add or if you see a name that no longer needs to be on our prayer list)


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