“No Perfect People Allowed”

“We like Jesus, but not the church.”

The church of Jesus Christ is called to invite all people to God’s table, and yet, the above sentiment is shared by many in our society today. So why aren’t they all here? Jesus was often criticized by religious people for eating and drinking with sinners. He welcomed those whom society did not, and he built a church that would do the same. John Wesley and the early Methodists also took Jesus into workplaces, marketplaces, and prisons that establish religion did not reach.

If Three Oaks is to be the hands and feet (aka the body) of Jesus, shouldn’t we do the same? This series will examine many of the reasons I’ve been told why people do not come. You’ve probably have heard some of these objections by someone you know.

Please join us for this new series and think of someone to invite. Promise them they will be welcome. Last week we began the New Year by renewing our covenant with God as a reminder of the grace and mercy that accepts each of us. We also were reminded that nobody’s perfect and God loves us anyway. That includes you and me and whoever you choose to invite.

This Sunday’s invitation is “Come as You Are.” Please come.

Pastor Rob


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