Ephesians: A good summer read?

Ok, when we are sitting on a beach (or wherever you sit to relax), we may reach for a mystery, crime, history, feel good, fiction, or heaven forbid, a racy romance novel. But a book of the Bible is probably not on your summer reading list – or mine for that matter.

Hear me out. Since we are not offering a weekly Bible study during the summer months, I would like to invite you to read through a book to prepare for morning worship. Actually, it’s only a letter and a short one at that. Ephesians even contains all of the elements I mentioned above (even romance).

Ephesians is called the “Queen of the Epistles” because it sums up the purpose of the church. Paul is writing from prison and goes to great links to explain why we have been freed including God’s plan for our destiny.

So, I challenge you to read ahead and take a look at chapter one for tomorrow. Teaser: Paul mentions the word, “predestination” twice. What’s up with that? Aren’t we a free will kind of church?

Come and see,

Pastor Rob

PS – As we celebrate the 4th of July and give thanks for our freedoms, we will focus on the truth that sets us free. My message is, “Signed, Sealed and Delivered, I’m Yours.” (Think Declaration of Independence).

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