Easter is Comin’!

“It is Finished”

40 Days ago we began our journey to Easter called “Lent.” The passage  from John 3:16 has been our guiding text and to symbolize the ways “God so loves the world,” I have been building a bridge. We’ve been singing, “Love Can Build a Bridge,” and we have seen how Jesus is the bridge to carry us over the obstacles of sin and death. This Sunday you will see that the bridge is finished, but we still need to get over it.

“It is finished,” were some of Jesus’s last words as he hung upon the cross, but exactly what was finished? The torture, pain, and humiliation that Jesus endured to save humanity was over. More importantly, the price paid for our sins was paid in full. Jesus sacrificed himself so that Love could win.

It’s Love that hung upon the cross and gave up everything to rescue us. “It is finished” was a cry of victory, because Jesus defeated everything that held us in captivity.

What Jesus finished on the cross began a new life for us all who believe and accept the gift of God’s love that announces to death itself, “YOU ARE FINISHED!”

This Sunday is the reason we gather every other Sunday, This Sunday is why we know love will always win. This Sunday we will celebrate that we know our redeemer lives and because He lives, we will live also.

Getting over this bridge means we experience the intimacy with God forever and we join Jesus to reach the world He died to redeem.

Come and see, and bring a friend.

Pastor Rob


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