Don’t Just Go to Church, be the Church!

What Does This Mean?

Too often, we get caught up in thinking of church as a place or event. Something with an address, a time frame, a boundary. In this sense we might ask, “Where do you go to church?” or “What time does church end?”

In a critical sense, what happens at the church building during worship services is the core of the church’s existence. Worshipping God together is a primary reason for our creation and the first fruit of our salvation. But in another vital sense, “the church” is more than a place, a weekly event or an institution. 

The church is us—the people of God in whom the risen Lord lives. And being the church means living out Jesus’ teaching and example in our world today. 

This means showing love as Jesus did in practical ways to neighbors near and far. This means being “God with skin on” to those who are most vulnerable and least valued in the world’s eyes. Being the church means putting our faith into action, so that the world can see the difference that knowing Christ makes.

All summer long we have talked about, preached on, and physically demonstrated what it means to be a church without walls. With all of this in mind, I am excited to invite you to join me in declaring September as our Faith in Action month. Below is an outline of what to expect and this Sunday I will share more detail as we look at the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 10:25-37.

Please join us,

Pastor Rob


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