A Life that Matters

“The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.” 1 Peter‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Since this was written over 2,000 years ago, what does Peter mean when he says, “the end is near?” If he was talking about the end of time, well then he was way off. However, the word he uses in Greek is telos, which also means “the end to which all things relate, the aim, purpose.” This means we can now begin to clearly see what God is up to. It can also refer to the end of an era in order to begin something new.

“Teleos” is the root of the English word, “telescope,” an instrument we use to brings things far away (I.e planets stars, etc), close up. I believe Peter means that the kingdom of God (which really does seem far from us today) is coming close. He means our purpose in life and why we are here has become clear if we dare to focus on Christ and stay connected to him.

The apostle Paul puts it this way: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”(2 Cor. 5:17).

The prophet Isaiah says:

“Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?” (43:19 msg).‭‭ You see? The end is in sight. It is near if we can see it. This Sunday we will take a look at what Peter means to see more clearly, and how to live a life that matters. (Read 1Peter 1:1-11)

Come and see (get it?),

Pastor Rob


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