2024 is Comin’!

I must have been naughty….

I mean isn’t that the way Santa’s “naughty or nice” list (the one he checks twice) works? But instead of coals in my stocking I was given Covid for Christmas. Now I love Christmas, the excitement in our children’s faces, the lights, the celebrations and even some of those silly Hallmark movies, but especially I love the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. All those lights coming together to “punch holes in the darkness,” announces for me that Christmas is here!

However, this year I received an unexpected gift. You! Along with Dennis, Mary Alice, Beth, and many others, you came together, worshipped and celebrated the birth of our newborn king as I watched from the sidelines. Like the grinch I was reminded in a wonderful way Christmas always come because Jesus always comes. 

The story of Christmas is the story of God’s relentless love for us. No matter how naughty or nice, and far we fall, there is no place God will not go. There is no person he cannot reach. There is no limit to his love.

Perhaps God moved your pastor out of the way this season so we can all better witness who we can trust to be in control, and I for one am most grateful for that gift.

Pastor Rob

PS. Speaking of being grateful, Mary Alice and I were so blown away and blessed by your love offering last Sunday. Forward or backwards “WOW” is still “WOW!”

And that expresses our love for you all.


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