Loving God. Loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Three Oaks Fellowship is a community of faith seeking to know God and make God known.

At Three Oaks Fellowship United Methodist Church we are called to be a people who seek to listen to God’s voice through studying scripture, prayers, acts of kindness, and most importantly, worship.

If you are searching for a place to believe, a place to belong, and a place to become who God has created you to be, there’s a place for you at Three Oaks.


Throughout the year Three Oaks Fellowship hosts many events to be a backyard for the community.

For we are coworkers in God’s service; you are in God’s field, God’s building.
1 Corinthians 3:19

Join us!

  • Sunday School 9:45-10:30am
  • Sunday Service
  • Listen from the parking lot in your car or come inside to worhip with us.

Learn about what we are discussing each Sunday!

Sunday’s a Comin’

Let us lay aside every weight and run the race with endurance. Hebrews 12:1 Tomorrow’s baggage:[…]

Sunday’s a Comin’

Let us lay aside every weight and run the race with endurance Hebrews 12:1 THE WEIGHT[…]

Sunday’s a Comin’

Sunday’s a Comin’ Let us lay aside every weight and run the race with endurance Hebrews 12:1[…]

Children’s Coordinator Position

We are looking for a part-time Children’s Coordinator (approximately 10 hrs a week), to help us create a new Children’s Ministry.

Please contact Staff Pastor Parish Chair, Gary Houff (540-400-5750), or Pastor Rob Colwell (540-312-4597) if interested or to schedule an interview.