“The Call of Peter and the Boys”

(Read Luke 5: 1-11)

Who is a saint? Some picture of godly perfection?

Scripture says saints are simply followers of Jesus (By the way, the word is always plural, so it must refer to a people). God calls “saints” the people who trust in Christ alone for salvation. (See Acts 9:13, 26:10, Romans 8:27, 1 Cor. 1:2).

This Sunday’s call story involves a group of fishermen who were having a bad fishing day (I know the feeling). Jesus meets them after this failure and proceeds to tell them how and where to let down their nets. You’d think Peter would be excited at the large haul, but instead, he begs Jesus to leave him alone. Why?

His experience with the radical presence of holiness sounds a lot like Isaiah’s last Sunday, but this time it is not in a formal worship service. Instead, it’s in the midst of a secular, vocational setting. Likewise, I believe Jesus still calls us at our work and play using what we already have to answer His call.

So where and how is Jesus calling his church (aka- Saints) to let our nets down today? Who is a saint? We are!

Come and see,

Pastor Rob

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