The Advent Virus

Mary Alice and I got our booster shots a couple of weeks back. Like many of you, we are doing all that we can to protect our family, our church, and ourselves from the Covid virus that continues to threaten and rob so many of our health and life.

For me, Advent is a booster shot of sorts. During these four weeks before Christmas, our spirits are boosted with a shot of spiritual vitality as we anticipate with excitement the coming of our long-awaited savior.

Last week we prepared for the second coming of Jesus and were told to “lift our head, for our redemption is drawing near. “ This Sunday John the Baptist also tells us to prepare the way of the Lord. However, John’s message of repentance sounds more like a kick in the butt more than a shot in the arm, but sometimes that may be what we need.

Whereas we may get vaccinated to protect us from life-threatening viruses, Sunday I want to talk about something even more contagious and its exposure will spread hope, joy, peace, and love to the world because (according to John): “And all people will see the salvation of our God.” Luke‬ ‭3:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Have you caught the Advent virus?

Come and see,

Pastor Rob

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