
How many Methodists does it take to change a light bulb?


I mean, who is a fan of change? Ok, maybe a baby with stinky diapers but, as I faintly recall, our infants never seemed to be appreciative of the process, at least until afterward.

This Sunday we will look at the dramatic conversion (aka – change) of Paul of Tarsus in Acts chapter 9. Whereas last week we read about the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch in a chariot, Saul’s big change takes place face down in the dust of the road to Damascus. Whereas the Ethiopian was looking for answers, Saul believed strongly that he had all the answers, and as you know, it’s more difficult for a person who knows it all to change at all.

So what happened that transformed this great persecutor of the faith to be the great defender of the faith? What force could be so powerful to transform a person who hated Jesus into one who loved Him passionately? Your own conversion to Jesus may not be as dramatic as Saul’s but I do firmly believe Jesus is continuing to mold us, make us, fill us, and use us all of our lives. In other words, conversion to Christ is a lifelong process and God is not through with any of us yet.

So, how many Methodists does it take to change a lightbulb?

This Sunday I’ll tell you.

Come and see,

Pastor Rob

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